Luxury and relaxation at Parkhotel Tjaarda in Friesland
When you stay at the Parkhotel Tjaarda, you will immediately feel at home. Sleep in our high-end rooms, relax in the sauna, sample the ambiance of our pleasant Grand Café and enjoy everything that Friesland has to offer in our Culinary Bistro.
Nestled in the majestic forests of Oranjewoud, the hotel is very conveniently located for cities such as Zwolle, Groningen and Leeuwarden. The Frisian landscape creates a perfect backdrop for the hotel. Parkhotel Tjaarda is located right next to Heerenveen and offers a whole host of options for cycling and walking.
But as well as luxurious accommodation, delicious food and relaxation in the Wellness & Spa facility, our hotel is the perfect place to host parties, conferences or family gatherings. With so many options under one roof, Parkhotel Tjaarda is, of course, top of the list when you are looking for a hotel in Friesland.