Discover Friesland from the Parkhotel Tjaarda
During your stay at Parkhotel Tjaarda, close to Heerenveen, discover the versatility of Friesland. Enjoy the beautiful Oranjewoud forest next to the hotel, discover the splendour of the forests and visit the many museums in the area. You will find plenty to do during a weekend stay in Friesland. Sample traditional Frisian delicacies, in the form of ‘oranjekoek’ (orange cake), ‘fryske dumkes’ (Frisian thumbs), ‘suikerbrood’ (sugar loaf) or a ‘Bearenburch’ (a Dutch jenever gin with herbs added to it).
Completely unwind
Enjoy a long bike ride through the countryside, enjoy the many water sports on offer and completely unwind. Whether you stay for a week, a weekend or have a midweek break at the Parkhotel Tjaarda in Oranjewoud, you will not be bored for a second!
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